Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Unexpected realizations

Monday workouts with the gazelles are supposed to focus on strength. We were doing circuit training this week. That means run a lap on a track, do a bunch of exercises and then do that all over again. On a good day we can fit in 4 reps. On a really hot day we're lucky if we can get 2 reps in.

Last monday, we were doing core work which involves passing these 6lb medicine balls between partners. I could have sworn the one we (Sarah and I) were working with was heavier. Sarah thought so to but Gilbert overheard us. He said something to the effect of "Gayatri, I thought you were a tough girl. I'm disappointed"
I replied with "It is heavier but that doesn't mean I am not going to do my share!"
I'm kinda proud I said that. So many people tend to presume that just because you would say something about a task being difficult means you're complaining and plan on not doing it. We were just making conversation to distract from the pain.

But the thing that really floored me was how annoyed/defensive I got after he said that. He didn't mean anything by it, he was just pulling my leg. But I didn't like hearing that. It seems a lot of my self-worth in terms of working out is tied up in the fact that I believe that I am not lazy about it. I'll take days off when needed but when I'm there (be it running, yoga or VT as it was in the days of yore), I'm there to workout.

What was my realization you ask? That while most people would be proud of starting or sticking to an exercise regiment or being really good at a sport, I guess I'm proud of the fact that I am persistent at sucking at a sport.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I guess I'm proud of the fact that I am persistent at sucking at a sport.

Can I use this as my signature? I guess you can have it. You should put it as your signature on the Gazelle forum.