Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Different goals

I was eating eggs for breakfast today and thinking about how body builders can eat food the way they do. They eat the same things everyday, in massive quantities and get sick of it. But they still eat it. Similarly, people with eating disorders don't like the purging or the starving but they do it anyway.

I think I know what the difference between them and me is. The end goal is different. They see that the ultimate goal is to get your body to look a certain way (not always a healthy way, mind you). My end goal seems to be to eat and enjoy the food I am going to eat in an attempt to get my body to look a certain way. You see the problem?

I think the saying "you can't have your cake and eat it too" works really well here. I can't eat to enjoy my food and still expect to see results of weight loss from it.

Food doesn't do double duty. It can't be entertainment and sustenance. If it's entertaining, it ain't doing anything good for your body and if it is fuel then it sure as hell ain't going to be fun to eat (except maybe steel cut oats)

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