Friday, August 25, 2006

What did yoga do now?

Although losing weight did contribute to this, I believe that yoga is the singular reason I am a happy person (generally speaking) today.

Having lost all this weight (at that point, it was a loss of 35 lbs) and that too excruciatingly slowly has been quite a lesson. I have had to be patient but also not focus on other's progress but my own. No jealousy, no competition.
Yoga, as a practice, is inherently self-centered. That is not say that one can't be competitive in it. I know far too many people (ok, one) that have hurt themselves not realizing that headstands have to be learnt. That being said, I am not competitive by nature (I think), so yoga allowed me to focus on my progress and not my relativity to other's abilities. This made me capable of simply being proud of my achievements and not be envious of other's.

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