Friday, March 03, 2006

Frustration Rears its Fugly Head

As a reminder, my goal is to lose 5 lbs a month till july.

In January, I dropped 4 lbs. Not bad, only one pound under my goal. considering that some of my exercise has been weight training, maybe I put on some muscle.

In february, I dropped another 4 lbs, okay so maybe the same thing happened again, you know. Then on the 28th as my last weigh in for the month I found out that I had put on 3 of those 4 lbs lost for the month.
WTF! I am so angry. Especially considering how hard I worked uptil this week. PMS hit over the weekend and things went a little blurry/hairy for a bit. It's okay now, I'm doing much better. I did find out that I can't eat cheese anymore. I had 1.5 ozs on my hamburger and I thought I was going to throw up. So what do I do now? I have now lost 5 lbs when I should have lost 10 at this point. March has officially started and my weight is driving me nuts.

that's all, needed to vent.

1 comment:

Joey Martin said...

Remember pounds that majically appear also majically disappear.