Thursday, October 02, 2008

I'm injurrd

I've tried to blog about it but it all comes out sounding trite and empty. So here's a summary:

I'm injured. Fat pad impingement.
I am barely running a mile once a week or so. Things are looking up though.
I thought I would run the san antonio half and the austin full but I think its going to be just the austin half for me this year. That's ok now. I did panic when I first realized that.
I'm spinning and swimming and aquajogging. I love them all.
I miss running and seeing all my running buddies immensely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

listen lady, don't downplay the auqajogging. i think that subject itself deserves an entire post, complete with descriptions of the faces of people watching you. also, don't forget to mention the wonderfully dorky toe shoes :)