Saturday, December 15, 2007

Running with all the 'real' runners out there

This is from four weeks ago:

Sometimes, things just work out. I was supposed to be working on a qualifying exam all weekend but my teacher decided to give us some extra time.

So, this weekend for the first time since the EAS 10miler, I got the chance to really run. These past few weeks I've been holding back. I've had to try to conserve energy to work for the rest of the day and also I haven't been eating well.

What I did:
breakfast: smoothie with fruit and protein powder. Waffle. Coffee. 16 oz of water.
three gu packets during the run
3 cones of water per water stop (got a bit much and ran the last few miles with a side stitch)

It was great, I got really sick of running with two miles to go and started speeding up. Something I've never quite done. I was feeling strong but I felt like I could sustain it.


with half a mile to go, I sprained my leg. But I was trying to make my goal so I tried to keep running on it. I finally stopped after cussing like a mad woman (a hold over from my VT days, when being injured warranted lots of @#$*s) and scaring the bejesus out of two women on the trail. I stopped, walked and tried not to kick myself with the leg that still could. Fortunately, It wasn't bad and I eventually ran the last quarter of a mile.

The ankle got lots of rest since the next week was spent frantically trying to finish the qualifying exam before the trip to portland. Trip was great. We got to run once in that entire 10 day period. Once. we did walk everywhere though. And I mean everywhere!

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