Monday, October 22, 2007

My protein tragedy

I'm supposed to get 30% of my calories from protein. So says my nutritionist. I can barely make it to 26% on a good day. I'm to a large extent a vegetarian and a carboholic. So trying to get 30% protein is indescribably difficult. I tried to help myself out by having an omelette with two eggs and an egg white. We've all been told that almost all the fat is in the yolk and almost all the protein is in the white. Well, we've been told wrong!

2/3 of the protein is in the white, 1/3 is in the yolk. So if you expect 7 gms of protein from an egg white, you are going to be sorely disappointed. It's more like 3.6.
In a sense this is good news to me because the yolks are the only reason why I eat eggs.
Another justification for eating the yolk? All the good stuff in an egg, all the nutritive stuff, vitamins, minerals etc are all in the yolk. This also makes sense since that is the food sac for the embryo.

So besides meat, what else is there that delivers protein. No carb-protein compounds like beans but just protien. Dairy?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I'm the Comment Queen today. My cousin made me this delish smoothie when we were in LA. She put in a scoop of protein powder...some special protein powder just for women. I need to find out what it's called. I want to say the name is something cheesy like "Women's Whey."